We’ll Always Have Paris

| Dress: ASOS |

I’m a firm believer that pictures are the best souvenirs. Alex and I spent out first wedding anniversary in Paris and it was M A G I C. We had these anniversary pictures done early one morning by Michelle Wever Photography. She did an amazing job and is so sweet. It as such a quite, peaceful morning and it felt like we had the whole city to ourselves. A cold, rainy, surreal memory I will never forget. I love you Alex James!


Easter in the Desert




Easter was our first real holiday in our new house. Although none of the festivities this year were held at our house it was still a fun milestone. We had a super relaxed Easter morning at home and then a crazy afternoon/night with our family. In the morning Alex planted grass seed in our backyard (grow seeds grow!!) while I cleaned our house, did some laundry, and got ready for the day. As I was watching Alex do yard work from our kitchen I had one of those moments where you realize you have everything you have ever wanted in life and you try and figure out how you got so lucky. I don’t know how it all happened, but we must have done something right.

Then in the afternoon we went over to Alex’s Dads house where we ate the yummiest barbecue food, chatted, and watched NBA playoffs with family. After that we headed to a park near our house where Alex’s Mom was hosting a family gathering. My mother-in-law had a fun water balloon game planned but of course with the Gritton boys involved, that quickly turned into a full on water balloon fight. Luckily I escaped without getting soaked but I was one of  a few.

I just love holidays for a few reasons. 1. I love an excuse to get dressed up, 2. I love being surrounded by family all day, and last but not least 3. FOOD. Easter is an extra special holiday because of the meaning behind it. It is always important to remember the real reason you are celebrating.

We also finally managed to get a picture in front of our new house on Easter! We love this cute house so much and feel so blessed to own it. We have had soooo much fun doing all sorts of projects and DIY’s on our little piece of property. We clearly need to tackle the front yard soon. One thing I HATE about Arizona is how people use rocks instead of grass. Thanks to our Utah roots we are grass people through and through!

I hope you all had an extra special easter!

