Home Inspiration


K i t c h e n

M a s t e r   B e d r o o m   &   B a t h

F o r m a l    L i v i n g    R o o m   /  O f f i c e

Photo Credit: Pinterest

We are supposed to get the keys to our home this Friday, as in tomorrow!!!

Ahh it’s so close I can hardly believe it!

I have been dreaming of this day for a long, long time. Alex and I have lived in many tiny apartments and with many different roommates the past 6 years. Truly, I don’t think Alex cares very much about moving into our own place, I think he would actually prefer to continue living with roommates (he thrives in chaos), but I am craving S P A C E. Space to spread out, space to store things, space to be alone, but mostly space to create a place that feels like home to me.

Now that I can really start getting into decorating, here are the first of the vision boards that I have created for our home decor inspiration. I wan’t to keep our home light, bright, and airy with mainly whites, grays, and neutrals. I love the contrast of black accents and the sophistication of a dusty blue. I also love gold details but I want to mix it with other metals as well. We are being very purposeful of what we are buying and choosing for our house as we really want to love the finished product and not waste our money on pieces that we want to replace in a year.

Here is the first decor purchase I made for our home. I love these mirrors and am thinking they will either go in our master bathroom or our entry way. I also bought a few of these scent diffusers as this is my FAVORITE scent on earth and I need to fill my home with it. It’s a light and fruity scent but it also has a complexity to it that makes the scent very luxurious. This scent is actually on sale in a few different forms (candles, diffusers, etc.) here.

Oh and Happy New Year!





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